Spring Observations for Kids: A Fun Nature Study Printable
The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer- it’s officially springtime! This is a great time of year to get outside and observe all of the changes that are happening in nature. To help make your nature study more fun, I’ve created this free printable Spring Observations worksheet!. Kids can use it to keep track of everything they see and learn during their outdoor adventures this season!

Spring is finally here, and that means it’s time to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather! This printable nature study guide is perfect for kids of all ages. It includes fun activities like observing flowers, butterflies, and bees, and drawing an animal that they see. Get outside and learn about spring with your kids today!
How to Use this Spring Observations Worksheet
This printable worksheet is designed to be used during a nature walk or hike. Simply print it out, put it on a clipboard, and take it with you on your next outdoor adventure!
As you observe the different aspects of springtime, have your child check off the boxes on the worksheet. They can also use the space provided to record any additional observations or questions that they have.
This printable worksheet is perfect for use in your homeschool or classroom and can be used as part of your spring unit studies!
This Spring Observations Worksheet features these sections:
- what are your favorite things about spring?
- draw a tree filled with green leaves and blossoms
- draw and animal that you see
- what colors do you see
- how many of these can you find?
- things to do
More Spring Resources You’ll Love
- You Need to Make these Adorable Bird’s Nest Cupcakes for Spring
- Spring Unit Study Ideas | Ideas to Keep Kids Engaged
- Paper Bag Bird’s Nest Craft | Easy Craft for Spring
- The Life Cycle of a Chicken: A Printable Fold Out Book
Free Printable Spring Observations Nature Study Worksheet
This printable nature study worksheet is a great way to encourage kids to pay attention to their surroundings and learn about the world around them. It’s also a fun way to spend time together as a family! So go ahead and download it today. And happy springtime exploring!

How to Download
Just fill out the form below and you’ll receive an email giving you instant access to this free printable. If you are already a subscriber, filling out the form won’t affect your subscription, but you will receive the link to get the printable!Why should I subscribe?
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Spring is a great time to get outside and enjoy the beauty of nature. I hope you enjoyed this post and that you will take some time to do some spring observations with your kids.
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