
Free Printable Insect Observation Bingo Game Kids will Love!

Do you have a budding entomologist at home? If so, this printable insect observation bingo game is perfect for them! It’s a great way to help kids learn more about the different types of insects that live around us.

The game is simple to play – just print it out and give each player a card. Have them start looking for insects to mark off on their cards. When they get bingo, they win!

A Fun Printable Insect Observation Bingo Game for Kids @ AStorybookDay.com

Do you have kids who love bugs? This printable insect observation bingo game is perfect for them! It’s a great way to get them excited about learning about insects and their habits.

The best part is that the game can be played anywhere – on a walk in the park, at the beach, or even in your own backyard. So grab some bug nets and magnifying glasses, and let the fun begin!

When my daughter Hannah was a little girl, she loved bugs. She would spend hours outside catching them and studying them. She even built her own bug house in our backyard! It was pretty adorable watching her fascination with these creatures. I loved encouraging her interest in bugs, and I think this printable insect observation bingo game would have been perfect for her.

If you have a child who loves bugs, I hope you’ll try out this game with them. It’s a great way to get them excited about learning about insects and their habits. And who knows – you might even learn a thing or two yourself!

How to Use this Insect Observation Bingo Game

This printable Insect Observation Bingo game is a perfect addition to your homeschool or classroom and can be used as part of your science or nature study curriculum.

Learning about bugs and insects is so important for kids. Not only are they a part of the world around us, but they can also teach us a lot about nature, science, and creation! This printable game is a great way to help kids learn more about insects while also having fun.

How to Play Insect Observation Bingo


To play the game, simply print out as many of the bingo cards as you need. Then, give each player a card and have them start looking for insects to mark off on their cards. When they get bingo (five in a row), they win!

If you want to make the game more challenging, you can set a timer for each player and see who can get bingo first. No matter how you play, I hope you have as much fun playing the game as we did! Happy bug hunting!

Free Printable Insect Observation Bingo

A Fun Printable Insect Observation Bingo Game for Kids @ AStorybookDay.com

How to Download

Just click on the button below and you’ll be taken to the download page.

More Insect and Bug Printabls for Kids

Thank you for reading! I hope you and your little ones enjoy playing this fun game together. Be sure to share this post with your friends on social media so they can have some insect observing fun, too.

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One Comment

  1. Really like the activity but I cannot read the print in the yellow boxes. Ended up using a black and white (really shades of gray) copy in order to read the print. Thank You!

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