11 Ways to Build Self-Esteem in Your Kids
When it comes to raising children, one of the most important things you can do is help them build a strong self-esteem. A healthy sense of self-worth is crucial for children as they grow and develop into adults. It helps them navigate through life’s challenges and setbacks and enables them to reach their full potential. In this blog post, I’m sharing 11 fun self-esteem activities that you can do with your child!
Be sure to download my free printable affirmation cards for kids at the bottom of the post!

Worried about your child’s self-esteem? Check out these 11 activities you can do with your child to help boost their confidence and esteem. From positive affirmations to help them feel competent in different areas, these activities will get your child on the right track!
Helping our children develop a healthy self-esteem is one of the most important things we can do for them. With these activities, you can give your child a strong foundation that will last a lifetime.
11 Best Self-Esteem Activities to Start with Your Child
Many children struggle with low self-confidence. This frequently results in mental health problems later on in life.
There are so many easy methods to boost our children’s self-esteem and teach them to truly like themselves at an early age. Here are some simple self-esteem activities that you can do with your child right now.
Why is Self-Esteem Important for Kids?
Your child’s self-esteem is his or her overall sense of worth and has an impact on their view of themselves. If you don’t believe in your kid, their self-esteem will be low. They won’t like themselves and may not put out much effort. They can also be more isolated, unhappy, and concerned about the future.
It is critical to help your youngster develop a healthy self-esteem at an early age so that they may be happy, successful, and kind for the rest of their lives.
Self-Esteem Building Ideas
How to Build Confidence in Kids
There are numerous ways we as parents can help our children gain self-esteem and confidence. Always demonstrate your complete unconditional love for them. Praise them for their efforts, not just their accomplishments, because this will boost their feelings of worth and confidence.
Your actions can have a great influence on your child’s self-esteem. Accepting all the compliments that come your way, even if you don’t always agree with them, is an excellent method to inspire your kid’s confidence. Do not compare yourself or your children to others.
These ideas may seem really simple, but they will have a significant impact on your child’s life. Your self-esteem will also improve as a result of this!

11 Self-Esteem Activities for Kids
Here are some simple self-esteem activities to get your kids started right away. It is never too soon to begin!
#1 Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are one of the simplest things you can do with your children, but they can have a huge impact. Positive mantras throughout the day about yourself help to eliminate negative thought patterns and develop positive self-esteem.
Make your own with your kids! This may be quickly transformed into an enjoyable art project. When you’re done, hang them up near their bed and say them first thing in the morning and before they go to sleep.
#2 Prayer
Teaching your children to pray when they are unsure or feeling down is a fantastic way to help them develop self-esteem. It allows them to talk openly about their feelings and know that they are not alone.
#3 Journaling
Writing down your kid’s thoughts before going to bed is a wonderful thing to do. Journaling is an excellent method of recording your life experiences. Have your youngster select their favorite diary or blank journal from the store and develop it into a habit of writing down ideas before going to bed.
You may also help them make a simple journal about their feelings or a gratitude journal. This will allow them to release all of their concerns and problems in an outlet that is safe.
You can also try keeping a self-esteem diary in which they write good things about themselves or things they accomplished during the day. They may then refer to their journal when they’re feeling down to realize their self-worth.
#4 What I Love About You
Every now and then, doing this with the family is a great way to get some bonding time in. On a blank sheet of paper, write each kid’s name. Then, circling the room, each person writes one or two things they appreciate about that individual.
It’s also important to help kids learn that they are worth something by validating their self-esteem. When childre understand how much everyone else values them, their own self-esteem improves as well.
#5 Create Something
Creating is a form of self-expression, and it also helps to boost our self-esteem as we see the finished product. Knowing that we were able to create something special always makes people happy. So get out there and make something with your child!
If your youngster’s art or craft abilities aren’t very strong, consider getting an easy-to-make craft kit to help them get started. They’ll be less disappointed and continue to love the process this way. It doesn’t matter how simple or modest the job is; it will boost their self-esteem.
#6 Date With You
Make it a habit to spend time with your children on a regular basis. Choose somewhere they’ll enjoy going and just enjoy being together for a change. Seeing how much someone else values and depends on you always helps us value ourselves more.
#7 Random Acts of Kindness
When you are considerate to others, you always feel better about yourself. Help your child set a goal to perform random acts of kindness for others on a regular basis. Set a monthly target for your family and see how many good deeds you can accomplish in a month.
When you are always kind, others will notice and respect you more. As a result, you will be treated with greater respect. Kindness is always an easy method to enhance your self-esteem and self-love.
You can download and print my free Random Acts of Kindness Calendar here!
#8 5 Things I Love About Myself
When it comes to positive affirmations, work on developing a habit of complimenting yourself. There are several wonderful techniques for doing so. Mirror talk is when you repeat affirmations in front of a mirror. You can do this by repeating them in front of the mirror.
You may also start a “5 things I love about myself” practice. Before going to sleep, you and your child each state 5 qualities you appreciate about yourself. You will be setting a good example for your child.
#9 Failure at Dinner Table
Failure is an inevitable part of life, and it’s important to teach our children that. Every evening when you sit down to eat, go around the table and name a failure from the day. This will help your child learn to accept failure as a natural component of life. When failures occur, rather than being harmful to your child, this helps them become more resilient.
It’s okay to make mistakes. What counts is how you handle them and what you learn from them. Help your child understand this by sharing your own failures with them as well. We all have failed at something, so don’t be afraid to share your story!
Note: What you don’t want to do is use the dinner time to point out mistakes your child made during the day or reprimand them. Dinner time should be fun, relaxing, and a time of binding together as a family.
#10 Exercise
Self-esteem is about more than just a person’s feelings about their bodies. While it may not appear to be the case, exercise does a lot more for a youngster’s self-perception than simply helping to maintain their weight.
Your body produces hormones and neurotransmitters when you exercise, which help to increase your happiness and confidence. It will also release stress and tension on its own as you go through difficult times.
Exercise with your youngster on a regular basis. This way, they will feel better about themselves, and they will see that they are valuable regardless of their body’s appearance.
#11 Goal Setting
Teach your youngster to set specific goals that they can accomplish. Children are capable of reaching beyond the stars, which is fantastic, but it’s more typical for them not to reach their objectives until later in life. Organize a goal-setting day with your child to make weekly goals that they can achieve.
Then, have a party when your child achieves their objective and establishes a new one! They’ll start to believe that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to. Their self-esteem will rise as soon as they notice their achievements and feel the sense of accomplishment.
Developing high self-esteem takes a lot of work. Begin where you are right now, and keep working on building and improving your child’s self-esteem.
Make sure they are included in this process so that they will naturally continue to develop and improve their self-esteem throughout their life. Use any of these activities to increase your child’s self-esteem and watch their self-worth grow!
I hope you and your children enjoy trying out these self-esteem activities. Remember that it’s important to be positive and affirming with your child, especially when it comes to their feelings of self-worth. Praise them for any progress they make, no matter how small!
And don’t forget to have fun together while working on boosting those self-esteem levels. Thanks for reading! Be sure to share this post with the buttons below!
More Self Esteem Building Ideas
- Happy Affirmation Cards for Kids to Boost Their Self Esteem
- Love and Kindness Activities and Ideas for Families
Free Printable Affirmation Cards for Kids

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