A Colorful Parrot | Chalk Pastels

A Colorful Parrot with Chalk Pastels
Last week in our homeschool we were reading about the Amazon River and I remembered this technique I had seen for making colorful Parrots with Chalk. You can see my inspiration here at Painted Paper.
My girls had a great time with this project. It was easy, fun, and they turned out great!

First, have your child draw in a simple line picture of a parrot and greenery and/or flowers in pencil on the black construction paper. I printed out a simple parrot picture {you can find it here}. I had the girls look at the picture for ideas about how to draw the parrot, but they did not trace it. Next, have your child trace over the pencil lines with a thin line of white school glue.
Now for the hard part. You have to let the glue dry. We let it dry overnight and completed the project on the following school day.
Once the glue has completely dried, you can let your child color the picture with chalk pastels. I suggest you cover your table or use a easy to clean folding table like we did. Also, chalk pastels can be a little messy on the hands – spreading to shirt sleeves, so be sure your child is wearing a shirt you don’t mind getting a little messy.
All of these materials are available on Amazon.com including this beautiful set of chalk pastels in 64 colors. And if you sign up for a Prime Membership, you can get free shipping! I love my Prime Membership on Amazon.com and use it every week!
It’s important that we encourage our children to use their creativity and not be afraid of getting a little messy! This idea could be used for other simple pictures – flowers, fish, animals, and more!