
7 Reasons to Send Your Child to Summer Camp

Summer is just around the corner, and that means it’s time to start thinking about summer camps! If you’re on the fence about whether or not to send your child to summer camp, here are seven reasons why you should definitely go for it. Your child will have a blast and learn new things at the same time! Today I’m sharing 7 reasons to send your child to summer camp!

7 Reasons to Send Your Kids to Summer Camp @ AStorybookDay.com

Are you thinking about sending your kids to summer camp this year? I began sending my kids to summer camp each summer around the age of eight or nine. In fact, for a lot of years I insisted they attend summer camp because I knew it was a good experience and my kids tend to be rather introverted. They always have a blast!

In fact, my daughter Sarah loved summer camp so much that when she turned 17 she began working as a camp counselor at camp and has worked summers and off season ever since. She’s had the following jobs:

  • camp counselor
  • craft house instructor
  • kitchen staff
  • assistant kitchen manager
  • horse wrangler {her dream job}

Last year when Hannah and Laura went to summer camp they signed up for horses, kayaking, and crafts. Our family loves the outdoors and I’m always encouraging my girls to be adventurous. You know they were the only girls who signed up for kayaking? I love to take my girls out on the lake in kayaks – it’s just so much fun! They had a great time, even though they were the only girls out on the lake.

7 Reasons to Send Your Kids to Summer Camp @ AStorybookDay.com

7 Reasons to Send Your Kids to Summer Camp

The camp I send my kids to is a Christian church camp and I am so thankful for the Biblical instruction and leadership there. There are some other really great benefits to sending your kids to camp that will have lifelong positive effects on them. Here are 7 benefits to sending your kids to Summer camp (although there are many more):

1. Unplug. This may not have necessarily been the same benefit when we were younger, but the fact is that kids these days are surrounded by technology day in and day out.  Camp is great because it encourages (and sometimes requires) unplugging from all of that technology.   You can’t learn how to experience camp life, people and activities if you are glued to your phone.

2. Get moving. With all of that technology we were discussing, kids tend to be pretty sedentary these days.  Camp requires that they get up and get moving.  Experiencing the fun activities of camp and getting all of the fresh air that comes with it, is a great experience for kids.  There is no being lazy at camp, it’s hard work and play!

7 Reasons to Send Your Kids to Summer Camp @ AStorybookDay.com

3.  Team work. At camp, kids get the ability to expand their social circle and because they are surrounded by and essentially living with such a tight knit group of campers and counselors, they learn how to communicate, cooperate and respect others.

4.  New friends. Meeting friends at camp can easily mean making a new lifelong friend.  Camp doesn’t hold the same social pressures as school and kids can feel more confident just being themselves.  This is when they find their true friends.

5.  Learn to be independent. While we as parents love taking care of our children, it is important that they learn to be independent. We aren’t at summer camp… so yeah. 

7 Reasons to Send Your Kids to Summer Camp @ AStorybookDay.com
7 Reasons to Send Your Kids to Summer Camp @ AStorybookDay.com

6. New skills. There are many skills built during camp.  From survival skills to social skills to arts and crafts, kids learn a lot while at camp.  All of these skills translate to useful skills throughout life.

7. Explore in nature. Many kids, especially if they live in the city, do not really get to experience nature.  Summer camp is a fantastic way to get out and explore and learn about nature and all that it has to offer.  

Sending your child to summer camp is a great way for them to learn new things, make friends, and have fun. I hope that this post has helped you see all the wonderful benefits of sending your child to summer camp. Thanks for reading! Be sure to share this post with the buttons below! 🙂

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